Excursion to Cedarlands

Weekend X-C ski excursions.
While we have plenty of trails to explore in our area, we wanted to let you know about the Cedarlands Easement located off of Kickerville Road in Long Lake, NY. This tract of land is open from the end of summer through June and you should get in there when you can. The trick of it that everyone asks, is “how do you get there from here?”
Access to the Cedarlands Easement is located off of Kickerville Road in Long Lake, NY. Once Kickerville Road ends the road continues and there’s a sign that reads “Private Road” so many visitors think they are in the wrong spot. The DEC has put up a marker just before the entry way of the road to reassure visitors it is ok to travel down this private road to access the Cedarlands Parking Lot which is 0.3 miles from the actual trailhead gate. So yes, you park and then you walk down to the access point, but it’s so beautiful that, it will just be part of your overall journey.
In the wintertime, Cedarlands is a great place to x-c ski. It has started to see more usage in recent years so if you head out, you’ll likely find a track already set and ready to go. You just get on your gear and go. Fun destinations include the two lean to’s along McRorie Lake. Go on in and have a mid-winter picnic (depending on the temps!)
Just stay on the designated Easement section, the adjacent parcel is not open to the public and it is marked as such.
Check out the video if you are unsure how to get to Cedarlands, it provides a road side view version to get you to your destination. Please note – we sped up the video (in the interest of time, so no we weren’t driving down those roads super fast!)
Video production crew Erik Arsenault & Alex Roalsvig, shot on January 27, 2022.