Low’s Ridge – Upper Dam Trail
Leaf Peeping and Birding!
Saturday, October 5, 2019
Bus Departure at 7am, Long Lake Geiger Arena, Mt. Sabattis, 6 Pavilion Way

Join Joan Collins for a walk into beautiful Hitchins Pond and the Upper Dam on the Bog River. Common Loons nest on Hitchins Pond each year. Bald Eagles and Great Blue Herons are also a common sight. The route is an old dirt road that passes through many lovely and varied habitat areas including a boreal bog, marsh, mixed forest, and ponds/lakes. After the 2.5 mile walk on level terrain to Hitchins Pond, there will be a food break at a scenic picnic area. Participants may order lunch from the ADK Trading Post. Lunch menus will be provided before departure.

Order and enjoy a warm Panini delivered picnic side via guide boat! There will be an optional 2 mile round trip hike up Low’s Ridge featuring spectacular views of the Bog River Valley and High Peaks. The round trip distance is 5 miles, or 7 miles if the hike up Low’s Ridge is added. Bring food (lunch can be ordered at departure), water, a jacket, appropriate attire/hiking shoes, binoculars, hat, sunscreen, and insect spray. Meet at the Geiger Arena parking area in Long Lake at 7 a.m. for transportation to the trailhead on Long Lake’s “Little Bus”! There is an outhouse at Hitchins Pond and a restroom at the Geiger Arena meeting location.


Register by calling the Long Lake Parks and Recreation Department at 518-624-3077. This field trip is jointly sponsored by Northern New York Audubon and the Long Lake Parks and Recreation Department. There is a maximum of 15 participants.