On Saturday, March 18th from 1:00p.m. to 6:00 p.m. the Town of Long Lake Parks & Recreation Department will host a Celtic Ceilidh (prounced kay-lee) at the Long Lake Town Hall located at 1204 Main St. in Long Lake NY.
The event will kick off at 1:00pm featuring a live music concert and performance from North Country Fair. At 3:00pm North Country Fair invites any interested musicians to join the stage for an open music Celtic music jam for all until 4:00pm. The finale is the Contra Dance from 4:00pm until 6:00pm. The Contra dance will be led by North Country Fair with dance calls by Angie Oliver. A contra dance is a social dance that one can attend without a partner. Contra Dancing is a form of folk dancing using a caller who teaches the sequence of figures in the dance.
Contra Dancing roots comes from mixed origins including English Country and Scottish country dance. There is absolutely no experience necessary and all dances will be taught.
Classic Irish food will be available for purchase from the Long Lake Lions Club, including Shepard’s Pie, Irish Soda Bread, “Irish” themed dessert, and drinks.
North Country Fair is an arrangement of local musicians from Wanakena, Vermont and Tupper Lake specializing in Celtic music and instruments. Featuring Doug Riley on cittern, guitar and vocals; Rick Kovacs on fiddle and guitar; Riczi Kovacs, Rick’s son on Irish Flute, guitar, and tin whistles’; Rick’s wife, Angie on harp and vocals, and Katrina Sheats on vocals.
The original North Country Fair got their start in the late 90’s and featured Doug, Rick and Rick’s wife Angie. Since then, they’ve added Katrina and Riczi to the arrangement but stayed true to their Celtic and Quebecois roots with their music.
Admission is free, and this is a family friendly event. Call 518-624-3077 for more information.
Guests are invited to come and go all day!
1pm – 2:30pm – North Country Fair Performs
3pm – 4pm – Celtic Music Jam Session, open to ALL musicians! Join in the fun! Everyone welcome!
4pm – 6pm – Contra Dancing. Beginners Welcome! The Caller will teach you the dance!
Refreshments sold by the Long Lake Lions Club!