7am. Geiger Arena. Tuesday, August 8, 2023.
Lovely, mature boreal habitat spans the 2.5-mile-long Roosevelt Truck Trail. This wide, road-sized trail runs between Route 28N and the Blue Ridge Road in Minerva. Joan Collins will lead a hike along this route beginning at the Blue Ridge Road trailhead and ending at the Route 28N trailhead. The trail has hilly and level terrain with an overall loss of 100 feet in elevation by the end of our hike. The habitat along the route provides a year-round home to many boreal bird species including Black-backed Woodpecker, Canada Jay, and Boreal Chickadee. Participants will also be looking for animal tracks – Black Bear and Moose tracks are frequently found on this old road. In August, the Roosevelt Truck Trail is a wonderful place to look for mushrooms and lichens. Meet at the Geiger Arena parking area in Long Lake at 7 a.m. for transportation to the trailhead on Long Lake’s “Little Bus”! There is a restroom at the Geiger Arena, and there are two outhouses along the trail at camping locations (& picnic tables). Bring food, water, a jacket, appropriate attire/hiking shoes, binoculars, hat, sunscreen, and insect spray.
Register by calling the Long Lake Parks and Recreation Department at 518-624-3077. This field trip is jointly sponsored by Northern New York Audubon and the Long Lake Parks and Recreation Department. There is a maximum of 15 participants.