6am -7am. Registration at LL Geiger Arena, Mt. Sabattis 6 Pavilion Lane
7am – Lines In and Weigh in Station open at LL Town Beach, 1258 Main Street, Long Lake. Late registration also takes place at Town Beach.
The Long Lake Fish and Game Club host their Annual Ice Fishing Derby combined with the Kids Fishing Contest. Fish the waters of Long Lake or Lake Eaton.
Cash prizes for trout and landlocked salmon from Lake Eaton and Pike on Long Lake.
$25 registration fee per person. Children 16 and under no entry fees.
Awards Ceremony at the Long Lake Diner immediately following the final weigh in at 3pm. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN.
Long Lake Geiger Arena located at Mt. Sabattis at 12 Pavilion Lane
Long Lake Town Beach Weigh In location – 1258 Main Street, Long Lake, NY
Long Lake Diner – Awards 3:30pm – 1161 Main Street, Long Lake, NY
Winners must be present to win prizes.
For more information contact the Long lake Fish and Game Club at www.longlakefishgame.com