Mt. Sabattis, the crown jewel of Long Lake recreation.

Named for famed Long Lake guide, Mitchell Sabattis, the Mt. Sabattis Recreation Area is the crown jewel of Long Lake, NY’s recreation space. This is the place for the community. There is something for everyone on Mt. Sabattis. From incredible hiking and mountain biking trails, a Pavilion, Ice Skating Rink, Sledding Hills, Tennis Courts, Pickleball, Basketball and Farmer’s Markets.

Mt. Sabattis Recreation Area is a town-owned property with plenty to explore and discover. Find your footing and make your place on the once famous golf course of the grand Sagamore Hotel. Ever-evolving and accessible by foot from the downtown community of Long Lake, NY, it’s a place to discover your inner child.


Helpful hints…
Something you should know about driving to Long Lake, google maps has not caught up with our GPS and GIS Address systems. So to get here enter 46 Pavilion Road, Long Lake, NY to get directions to the Mt. Sabattis Pavilion. The Geiger Arena/Tennis Courts are located and numbered as 6 Pavilion Lane and 46 Pavilion Lane and sometimes show up in maps as 12 Pavilion Road. Technology hasn’t totally caught up to our area, but we are working with the correct agencies to have this corrected. The Geiger Arena/Tennis courts are located at the bottom of Mt. Sabattis and access the entry to the facility next to the giant flagpole across from the Long Lake Post Office. The Pavilion is located mid-way up the hill and the road to the Pavilion is open to vehicles after mud-season and closed for winter months.

Winter is Sledding & Skating

Geiger Arena 2024/2025 Operating Hours:

Call ahead for conditions. 518-624-3031

Regular December Weekly Hours:
Monday, Thursday 12pm – 7pm (**closed 2:30pm – 4:30pm for LLCS After School Program)
Sunday 12pm – 7pm

Weekly Events –

  • Monday Night Hockey 5pm – 7pm Every Monday
  • Every Thursday 5pm – 7pm – Club Night – Features Open to Public programs, for ages 10 and up. Art Technology, community service, poetry, history, science, archeology and more
  • Every Sunday 12pm – 2pm Tiny Time for Youth Under 6 years.
    2pm – 7pm: Open for programming and skating and sledding when weather permits

Closed Tuesdays & Wednesdays

Geiger will be closed on Christmas Day & New Years Day

Regular Hours when Ice and Sledding Hill Open

Monday, Thursday 12pm – 7pm (**closed 2:30pm – 4:30pm for LLCS After School Program)
Friday 12pm – 10pm Closed from 5pm – 6pm
Saturday 12pm – 10pm Closed from 5pm – 6pm
Sunday 12pm – 7pm
Closed Tuesday & Wednesday except during school breaks/holidays

Geiger will be open every day during all school holiday’s and breaks. December holiday break will have limited hours TO BE ANNOUNCED if there is no snow OR ice.  HOURS ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE. PLEASE CALL 518-624-3031 for updates.

Regular Hours will be 12pm – 10pm with meal break closure from 5pm – 6pm.
Ice Rink Attendant will close rink as needed to fix ice.

We have SKATES! Wide range of sizes! Skate FREE and first come first serve.

If there are free skaters on the rink – hockey will not be permitted.

Helmets required for all hockey!


The Parks and Recreation Department is excited to announce the Adirondack Local Culture Program This program is made possible through the support of the National Recreation and Park Association  in the amount of $70,000 awarded over two years and administrated through the Town of Long Lake Parks and Recreation Program.

The Adirondack Local Culture program combines outdoor recreation activities with indoor games, crafts and activities on Monday’s and Thursday’s through the winter and spring season in conjunction with Long Lake Central School’s After School Program. On Sunday’s  at the Geiger Arena, programming will be Adirondack Local Culture Program Family and Community Days.

Hiking and Biking Trails

map of Mt. Sabattis

Mt. Sabattis is home to the Northville-Placid Spur Trail. This trail drops in to Mt. Sabattis. Hikers can also hike from the Trail Head located at 28N/3 Brook Loop Trail head across from Tarbell Hill Road for a day hike or a x-c ski trek.

**Trails are shared use trails**

START ME UP (.75km) An intermediate, TWO-WAY, machine-built trail beginning at the Northeast corner of the tennis courts. This flowy trail follows the terraced section of Mt Sabattis before winding through the woods and emerging in the Pavilion parking lot. Some features include a pump section, hair pin turns and a bridge crossing, and is equally fun riding in both directions.

LET IT LOOSE (.75km) A beginner, TWO-WAY, machine-built trail that is the perfect warmup or introductory mountain bike trail. This trail is slightly wider than the others and features both woods and field riding, including multiple bridges and rollers to help new riders work on basic mountain bike skills.

BLACK & BLUE (1.25km) An intermediate, TWO-WAY, machine-built trail traversing through woods and the fields. Slightly narrower trail than Let It Loose, expect higher speeds, tighter corners, and larger rollers than the beginner trails, but is still very approachable for novice bikers.

WAITING ON A FRIEND (.3km) A beginner, TWO-WAY, machine-built spur trail that branches off Black & Blue on east edge of the field. This trail is very flat and wide is a good spot to stop for a quick breather while riding, or a good spot to let the dog get a drink of water.

PAINT IT BLACK (1.25km) An expert, machine-built trail with two distinct sections. The first section is a TWO-WAY trail branching off Black & Blue climbing up Mt Sabattis as it winds through the woods, eventually crossing the field and entering the woods on the eastern side of the property before eventually merging with the Powerline/Northville-Placid Spur Trail. The second section starts as you emerge from the NPT Spur Trail and becomes a directional ONE-WAY downhill trail with a machine-built jump line featuring tabletops, step-ups, and a rock drop. All the features are rollable, but do not have any ride arounds.

Pavilion, Tennis, Pickleball, Basketball

Mt. Sabattis Recreation Area is a year-round destination located in the heart of downtown Long Lake at 12 Pavilion Lane at the intersection of Deerland Rd, NYS Route 30 and South Hill Road. Visitors can enjoy pickle ball, tennis, basketball, skateboard ramps, walking dogs, hiking our mixed-use trails, mountain biking on over 4k of machine-built trails which double as an excellent walking trails and are open and available to everyone, including dog walkers. Climb or run to the top of the hill to take in a breathtaking view of down town Long Lake.  Access the Northville – Placid Spur Trail linking passers thru to downtown Long Lake to fuel up and pick up packages at the local post office or have visitors stop downtown for a bite to eat, stock up on supplies and spend the night in a  comfortable bed if needed!

Facilities and activities at Mt. Sabattis include:

The Pavilion – a 90×40 foot covered building boasting picnic tables, restrooms, views of Long Lake and a parking lot. This is a great space to picnic or if you are a Long Lake or Raquette Lake property owner you can contact the Parks and Recreation Department to book your space for private parties. First come first served. The Pavilion is also a great place to park to access our Mixed-Use Recreational Trails. Walker, hikers and bikers are invited to check out the Mt. Sabattis Trails with over 4Km of built trails. Everyone is welcome to access these trails.

Tennis/Pickleball & Basketball Courts

The Town of Long Lake has two full size tennis courts at Mt. Sabattis. One court currently has pickleball lines and do anticipate painting the second court with pickleball lines in the summer of 2023. Long Lake Central School also has pickleball courts as well as other recreational facilities.

Please note: Courts are to be used at your own risk. Court surface will be cleaned and crack-filling will be completed in 2023.  Pending scheduling.

The Town also offers a basketball court with new rims installed in summer 2023.

Arts, Craft Fairs, Concerts & More

For more information about the facilities email 

view from mountain and flag pole

Concerts, movies, Kids Art Classes and more are offered throughout the year.

After School Programming

The Town of Long Lake Parks and Recreation worked with the Long Lake Central After School program for the winter of 2023. This successful collaboration engaged students with local organizations including the Long Lake Lions Club, Friends of the Long Lake Library, Long Lake Historian Hallie Bond who spent the afternoon teaching the children about guidebooks and paddling. Local quilter Patty Farrell created balsam pillows and Jimmy Cooney provided a Sabattis and Native American jewelry exhibit. The Long Lake Lions Club provided snacks and crafts to celebrate Valentine’s Day.

Long Lake Parks and Recreation Ice Attendant and Educator Rebecca Stoner LaFountain helped initiate this new program for 2023 working with Long Lake Central School Teachers.

Photo Gallery!