Springtime in the Adirondacks is ice out, birds chirping, blossoms blooming and the awakening. Bears wake from their slumber. Fish start biting. Camps start opening. Explore the miles of trails and enjoy a scenic drive as the wilderness bursts forth with flora and fauna.
“On the very ridge-board of the vast water-shed which slopes northward to the St. Lawrence, eastward to the Hudson, and southward to the Mohawk, you can enter upon a voyage the like of which, it is safe to say, the world does not anywhere else furnish” William H. H. Murray

Total Solar Eclipse
Monday, April 8, 2024
On April 8, 2024, Long Lake will have a front row seat for the Total Solar Eclipse. During the eclipse the Moon will pass directly in front of the Sun, creating a total solar eclipse.
In Long Lake at 3:24pm experience darkness in the middle of the day for three minutes and one point four seconds.
This rare event will be visible from a narrow path of totality across the United States.
The Moon will completely block out the Sun, casting a shadow on the Earth that’s only about 100 miles wide. Long Lake will be plunged into darkness.
The next eclipse in the United States will be in 2044.
Do not miss out on this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity www.mylonglake.com/Long-Lake-eclipse-2024

Community Pride Day
May 1, 2024
9am. Join community members in Raquette Lake and Long Lake for the Annual Community Pride Clean-Up day. Meet at either the Geiger Arena or the Raquette Lake Tap Room. Sponsored by the Central Adirondack Association. Sign up with the Town of Long Lake at 518-624-3077. Volunteers will receive a free shirt and lunch for their time.

Memorial Day 2024
May 27, 2024
8:30am Wreathe Laying Ceremony at Long Lake Bridge
9am Memorial Day Parade & Ceremony and Honors at the Long Lake Cemetery
American Legion Post #650
The Town of Long Lake and American Legion Post #650 remembers and recognizes those who have died serving this nation.

Great Adirondack Garage Sale:
May 24th – May 26th, 2024
Over 200 miles of Garage Sales stretching from Long Lake, Newcomb to Indian Lake, Inlet and Old Forge along Route 28, 28N and Route 30. Each town has their own map available at area businesses. Deals galore, roads are open and treasures are waiting to be picked! 518.624.3077
For more info visit: Great Adirondack Garage Sale

The Long Lake Fish and Game Club Fishing Derby
Saturday, June 8, 2024
9am-1pm. Will be held at the Long Lake Town Beach (1258 Main St) sponsored by the Long Lake Fish and Game Club. Prizes awarded, and a lifelong Adirondack hobby is born! For more information call Bruce Jennings at 518-624-2145 or email the Fish and Game Club, ll.fish.game.club@gmail.com. Sponsored by the Long Lake Fish and Game Club.

Birding Festival:
June 7-9th, 2024
Contact: Hamilton County Tourism/Adirondack Experience for more info
Schedule of Events Here:
Hamilton County Tourism and Aububon NY are pleased to present the Annual Birding Festival in Hamilton County. Long Lake and Hamilton County are designated IBA, Important Bird Areas. Bird watching is a celebrated Adirondack experience. In the Adirondack Wild, it is marked by the Adirondack Birding Festival, held annually in June. Nesting season comes late in our mountains because of the altitude and latitude.
Among the rare boreal birds found here are Bicknell’s thrush, spruce grouse, American three-toed woodpeckers and many kinds of raptors and water birds. For a rewarding experience, book a bird-watching trip with a licensed guide.
For more info visit our Hamilton County, NY Birding Festival Schedule of Events Page: Birding Festival Information

Raquette Lake Fish & Game Club – Kids Fishing Derby
3rd Saturday in June. Forsell’s cottages, 288 Poplar Point Road, Raquette Lake, NY 13436. First line in at 11am, Last line out at Noon. Hot Dogs, Chips, Drink will be provided. Each participant must be accompanied by an adult along with their own Personal Floatation Device.